Recurse 2 - Connections, Challenges, Creative Coding
Reflections on my second week at The Recurse Center. Last week I wrote about what came before RC and introducing myself to the unique people in my batch.
The second week of Recurse consisted of exploration. I attended more interest groups than I had expected and organized two myself. The openness of the calendar reminds me of a directory of clubs at school you can join. Everyone is welcome and half the time you don't know what the club does until you show up.
Here is a brief summary and description of my experience with different working groups at RC this batch:
Creative Coding
Create a computer program, in 90 minutes or less, which satisfies a randomly generated prompt. You program can be anything, or do anything, related to the prompt. Here are some examples:
Would anyone want it?
Think of the radio
The Creative Coding tradition started about three years ago, and there is a rich gallery of out-of-the-box websites and programs from previous Recursers. I suggest you take the time to look through past projects.
In such a constrained time frame it's surprising both how much and how little can get done. For example, I spent 60 minutes fighting with tooling while trying to build Evil Editor, a text editor which rejects your words if they are too negative. While with CipherFM I learned the relevant parts of the WebCrypto API to generate a radio station which produces cryptographic noise... BZZZ.
// CipherFM, a poorly designed, rapidly implemented radio station of random
// cryptogrpahic noise. Enjoy!
function buf2hex(buffer: Uint8Array) { // buffer is an ArrayBuffer
return [ Uint8Array(buffer)]
.map(x => x.toString(16).padStart(2, '0'))
function tocolor(p: number): string {
if (p >= 88 && p < 92) {
return "blue"
} else if (p >= 92 && p < 96) {
return "yellow"
} else if (p >= 96 && p < 100) {
return "green"
} else if (p >= 100 && p < 104) {
return "red"
} else if (p >= 104 && p < 108) {
return "pink"
} else {
return "black"
const freuency = document.getElementById("frequency")
const label = document.getElementById("label")
const histogramElement = document.getElementById("histogram")
let fm = ""
let lastFm = ""
freuency?.addEventListener("input", async (event: Event) => {
if ( instanceof HTMLInputElement) {
const value =
fm = value
if (!label) { return }
label.innerHTML = `Frequency: ${fm} MHz`
// crypto
const length = 8 * 256
const alg = "HKDF"
const pw = value;
const enc = new TextEncoder()
const key = await window.crypto.subtle.importKey(
{ name: "PBKDF2" },
["deriveBits", "deriveKey"],
while (fm !== lastFm) {
const salt = window.crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(16))
const derivedBits = await window.crypto.subtle.deriveBits(
name: "PBKDF2",
iterations: 100000,
hash: "SHA-256",
const output = new Uint8Array(derivedBits);
const hex = buf2hex(output)
const histogram: { [key: string]: number } = {}
const histostring: { [key: string]: string } = {}
const binned = hex.match(/.{1,2}/g)
if (!binned) { return } => {
const count = histogram[x]
histogram[x] = count ? count + 3 : 1
histostring[x] = x.repeat(count)
if (histogramElement) {
const children = Object.values(histostring).map((value) => {
let pre = document.createElement("pre")
pre.innerHTML = value = "rotate(-90deg)"
const color = tocolor(Number(fm)) = color = "0" = "0"
return pre as Node
This group is more fun and more anxiety inducing than I thought. We often do not need to write our computer code under duress, adding the time pressure and the strong desire to have something working by the end of the time slot, causes extreme focus. Focus on what is sufficient to get the program working, everything else is irrelevant. The Essentials Driven Development is a useful practice to strengthen decision making during regular development. I have found myself thinking this week: If I gave myself 90 minutes to build this Merkle Tree implementation, what would it look like?.
Creative Coding is the most surprising and refreshing thing I have done so far at RC.
Tool Time Talk
This group is all about getting together to talk about the different tools we know and use. Thus far it
has been a topical meeting once per week where we'll discuss things like
editors, shells, data wrangling tools, debuggers etc. I have found that while I
have plenty of tools to offer, I have even more to learn.
Also, there is great fun geeking out about tools where every tool is on equal footing. No vim v.s. emacs flame wars, just plain old fashioned: "what tools do you use for this job". Connecting to the root of Homo Sapien, wisdom, tool making, and teaching can be great fun even if it's about computer tools.
Rust Books Crew
I should not have been surprised to find many of my fellow Recursers programing in Rust during their batch. For the last eight years in a row, Rust has ranked most admired programming language on the Stack Overflow Developer Survey.
Skills levels in Rust skew towars beginner at Recruse and had I joined only a few months ago I would have been a beginner as well. Thankfully there are several great Rust programmers on Zulip who incorporate lively debugging and discussion into the group.
This batch there are enough intermediate Rust programmers, myself included, to have a group book club for Rust for Rustaceans. Covering topics like Existential Types and Marker Traits have been useful in a group setting instead of individual reading.
Aside from tokio, I have not dealt directly with spawning threads, channels, or workign with atomics yet. All are things I am interested in diving deeper into.
What fun! Rather unexpectedly the Cryptopals group turned out to be sizable, engaged, and curious. I am enjoying so much organizing this group and working through the challenges.
Specifically Cryptopals Set 1 - Challenge
3 - breaking a single character XOR
cipher - engaged more of my byte-level Rust
than I expected. Without lower level exercises like these, it can be easy to
throw clone()
around in Rust without appreciating how to take the "harder"
refernce and lifetime approach.
Implementing a frequency analysis on cipher texts is a great way to work directly with character bytes, ASCII tables, and statistical testing methods like chi-squared.
After several attempts, and getting the scoring value inverted (oops), here is my implementation of scoring text based on expected English character frequencies.
Some issues I encountered while implementing:
- Which characters in the ASCII table should be considered valid?
- Which non-alphanumeric characters should be counted? For example
. - How should invalid characters be scored?
- Should the frequency of a character be scored or character counts themselves?
I landed on a set of tradeoff which have worked thus far in the challenges.
ASCII control characters should not be considered when analyzing texts to determine if they are similar to English texts.
It is important to count whitespace because it is so clearly a marker of a formatted sentence.
Punctuation should be counted as well, but in aggregate rather than per-character. Attempting to score per-character leads to chi-sqaured scores which deviate from expected results.
Comparing expeted character counts against actual character counts is better than comparing frequency values because the smaller text size of an actual cipher text will almost certainly be non-representative of the entire English langauge character frequency.
Higher chi-squared values are not better, in fact pay attention to what the formula says:
(expected - actual)^2
tells you that actual character count values being closer to expected character count values produce smaller chi-squared scores.
/// Computes the frequency of characters in an buffer and compares against known English langauge
/// character frequency, returning a score.
/// The score is computed using the chi-sqaured test: (difference squared of the actual - expected
/// values) divided by the expected value, summed for all measurements
/// Low values of chi-sqaured indicate a high fit between the recorded results and the expected.
/// High score indicate large difference between actual and expected results.
pub fn frequency_score(buffer: &[u8]) -> u32 {
// Highest score says that this is invalid
if !buffer.is_ascii() {
return std::u32::MAX;
// Highest score says that this is invalid
if buffer
return std::u32::MAX;
let actual_chars_len = buffer.len() as f64;
let actual_chars_count: HashMap<u8, f64> = buffer
.map(|&x| (x as char).to_ascii_lowercase())
.fold(HashMap::new(), |mut hash_map, c| {
// ASCII a-z or A-Z
let key: u8 = if c.is_alphabetic() {
c as u8
// whitespace mapping
else if c as u8 == ASCII_WHITESPACE || c as u8 == ASCII_TAB {
// Convert all other characters (punctuation or numbers) to '.'
else {
.and_modify(|f| *f += 1.0)
let mut chi_sqrd = 0.0;
let expect_num_char = (f / 100.0) * actual_chars_len;
let actual_num_char = actual_chars_count.get(&c).unwrap_or(&DEFAULT_FREQUENCY);
let diff = expect_num_char - actual_num_char;
chi_sqrd += (diff * diff) / expect_num_char;
chi_sqrd as u32
There are a few Rust gems in the code sample above I would like to point out becaue they made me happy when discovering them:
is a great API for getting and inserting values in a single
method call. It solves the issue of calling HashMap::get()
, checking if the
value exists, then calling HashMap::set()
has a nice design for iterators where you wish to reduce into a different type
than the type of the iterator.
will use the first element
of the iterator as the accumulator, so for example if you have an iterator of
, reduce
takes the first u32
as the initial value and lets you do
whatever operations you wish until it collapses all of the u32
values into a
single one. By contrast fold
lets you take an interator or anything and fold
it into the type you specify as the first argument. It is nice to have these two
and its related methods are helpful functions for dealing with ASCII characters
but not byte values directly. Thanks to Miccah
for pointing this one out.
Upcoming Work
Next week I would like to buckle down and sink my teeth into encrypted file systems and their trade offs. I have taken a look at the ORI Filesystem, Tahoe-LAFS, and even Age (not a file system).
- Get a FUSE mounted to my macbook
- Make a VirtualFS abstraction over the directly file system (what design choices to make?)
- Design a multiparty key exchange for a shared foler. Perhaps a reader keyring and writer keyring.
- Decide to what degree I care about authenticated and trusted key exchange (might have to overlook this for the intial version).
- Determine the behavior for chunking and encrypted file data.
- How much, and what, metadata should be exposed to the sync server?